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Flu Epidemic Hits The Balearic Islands
The number of reported cases is still on the rise
With a current rate across the Balearic Islands of 228.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants this particular strain of flu has taken a firm hold on the residents of the Islands and is continuing to spread.
Although not as bad as figures from 2001-2002 when the rate of reported cases of flu reached 322 per 100,000 people, this is still a cause for concern across the area. People most at risk are of course the young, specifically children from newborn to four years of age and senior citizens over 64 years old.
Residents have been advised to seek medical advise as soon as possible if they are experiencing symptoms, plus you can call 061 to receive expert advice and information.
With similar problems across the continent, and in particular in France, this wide spread flu epidemic has, by some people, been attributed to a new strain which is not covered by the vaccine and by an unseasonably warm winter which has not allowed for the usual bugs to be killed off.
Whatever the reason for this recent outbreak, residents should be vigilant to symptoms and make sure you wrap up, drinks plenty of fluids and get ready to sleep it off!