© Tren de Soller
Soller vintage train teams up with UNICEF
Non-profit ride on Saturday 18th November 2017
All proceeds from tickets sold on Saturday November 18th for the Sóller train will be donated to UNICEF. So you can enjoy the scenic vintage ride from Palma to Sóller, one of Mallorca's most popular attractions while helping defend children's right... a win-win situation!
This centenary ride connects Palma and Sóller crossing the stunning landscapes of the Serra de Alfàbia. The train needs to climb 199 metres in only 7 kilometres through 13 tunnels and the famous Cinq-Ponts viaduct which is 8 metres high. A true feat of engineering taking into account that the railway was built between 1907 and 1912.
Sóller vintage train has collaborated with UNICEF for four years in a row. In 2016 they donated €7,200 to the charity organisation. They're hoping to increase this year's amount to 12,000€ by donating not only one trip's earnings like they did last year, but all the money they collect on Saturday 18th November.