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Galatzo- Mallorca's Matterhorn, Puigpunyent
A striking landscape feature visible from miles around
From a distance this mountain looks like an impossible challenge, but the route is well graded with a handful of paths leading to its summit.
Very popular with the locals there often can be dozens of people on the summit enjoying a picnic with amazing panoramic views. It is however a very strenuous walk and should not be underestimated. Give yourself plenty of time to ensure you are back at the start point before nightfall to avoid being caught out without a torch.
Walking north from the sports centre take the left at the 1km sign near the Puigpunyent sign where the road bends right. Follow the tarmac lane for 100m and go through the entrance with signs prohibiting cars and motorbikes. The lane soon curves left and passes below the Son Forteza property (25min). Just after a left hand hairpin, take the right onto the track with a waymark for Cami Vell D'Estellencs. The path then goes uphill and through an old rickety gate, then right onto a wide forestry track, winding uphill.
Follow the forest track for 50 minutes then as the track curves sharply to the left, take the right track marked by a cairn and a red dot, after 20 metres turn right again. A few minutes later you reach an intersection with 4 tracks, continue almost straight on up the hill on a wide track marked by a red dot on a rock to your left. Continue along the obvious track for 1 hour and pass through a gateway in a stone wall and turn right, continue uphill and bear right on a forest track (1h10min). Following the red dots to a T junction you will see a sign to Galatzo. Here turn left and head uphill.
Ignoring all turn offs, the path should level out now and you reach a wall where you climb over a wooden ladder next to a steel gate. Turn left and follow the path downhill for 200m. When the path starts to bend right, fork left on a path marked by a red arrow on a tree and follow the path admiring the amazing views until you reach a gap in the wall, head to the right into a small valley. Following the trail you pass a stone trough, keep left and continue up the hill following the Galatzo signs.
When you reach the Pas de na Sabatera you turn right and start the final push to the summit. Follow the cairns steeply uphill then turn right to gain the west of the ridge. Continue along this path to reach the summit.
On the descent retrace the trail back to the Pas de na Sabatera, once here turn right and follow the trail across the scree slopes towards Coll des Caniceret. Start descending towards the tall lookout tower but 100m before the tower and the wire fence turn right, and follow the occasional green paint marks. Ten minutes later go right at a waymark post, then left to continue downhill. At the Y junction take the right fork downhill then 5 minutes later take the left at the T junction. Continue along this road, ignoring all turns until you reach a junction near a house where you see a sign for La Reserva. Turn left here and continue along this path for 40 minutes keeping to the obvious road. This leads you back into the village, once on the main road turn left and head back towards the sports centre.